Thinking of this last year so many things have changed with the business and economy. Some not great but some really amazing.
I moved to a new shop back in January with a leap of faith. Well it's been great so far, better than ever expected. A big THANK YOU to Bobbi, owner of Not Too Shabby, for having me join her. Shes just a really great person,so inspiring and creative. My thoughts and prayers are to her and her family right now.
With the economy down fall, I think it has taken us all back. But in return it has taught me to simplify my life. Why have all the anxiety? Enjoy the finer things in life:o)
Being in the shop working as we speak, gets me to thinking how thankful I am for a great life, great husband( working with me today)and just being able to do what I love every day.
Thanks again to all my new followers,although I don't have to many it means alot to know that people are out there with the same love as you. I think whether in good times or bad we should all be out there to support one another to keep our smiles.

Hi Cierra,
Thanks for such a heartfelt post. Your words are so true. The economy has affected us all, some of us worse than others but you're absolutely's time to simplify.
I've experienced tragic loss and joyful blessings. Although I may need to be reminded now and then, I have learned to be grateful for what and who the Lord has blessed me with today. It's important that we are there for each other. We don't always know what each other is going thru.
Congratulations of 50 followers, I think that's huge! Thank you for becoming one of mine. I will post a thing for you as soon as I figure out how to do it!
Hi Cierra, it's lovely to meet you and to visit your blog I'll be back when I get a chance to have a better look around. I hope you have a super sweet weekend :)
Hi Cierra I just became follower 59!
Browsed through your posts and love your picture frames idea!! Also I need to fill up my car with some stuff too! We are starting a food and clothing bank as part of our ministry in a tiny town of 600 where most are on welfare and no jobs available- makes me thankful for each day and every blessing I have!
bee blessed
Hi Cierra,
So glad you found my blog and left your sweet comment as now it has led me to your gorgeous blog. You have great happy to find another shabby lover!!
Happy day!
So glad that you found me and that I found your blog! Look forward to meeting you at some point when I am in Folsom next. I do not do the Shabby Chic thing over all any longer, but the shop has so many wonderful things that would fit right into my hopefully, eventually glam decor ...and well always great to meet a fellow blogger and a new friend!
you have a fantastic attitude Cierra! well put!
you'll go far with that perspective-
congrats on the followers so far ~
i made it 78 !
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