

"Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as the is hope, there is joy in living."


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fascination of the Old

Have you ever heard that saying "do what you love,and you'll never work a day in your life"? Well I did. Lets just say it changed everything for me. It started about one year ago when i entered into this little shabby chic shop. Instantly I fell in love with it and told myself.. I can do this! Within one week I became a vendor in that very same shop. It opened so many doors into my life. I now felt i had a sense of creativity..imagination. Something I didn't think I had.

I have this fascination with the old, used and history. I look at an old vanity with paint chips and scratches and often wonder what little girl looked in this mirror with her mothers hat and pearls? How that mirror showed her who the person she was becoming, when it showed her tears and smiles. Its a beautiful thing isn't it? I look at it and think how can I bring this little piece back to life?
And thats where the fun begins....

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